Day 55: I am Jesus' Family!
Please read the Bible verse for today:
Matthew 12:46-50
Jesus’ Mother and Brothers
46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” (Matthew 12:46-47)
This appears to be a completely normal situation, until you read this account in Mark chapter three and Luke chapter eight and read the commentaries. First, Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people and His mother and brothers come for Him. Jesus is not a little boy out playing with friends that needed to go home for dinner. Jesus is in His thirties- a grown man when His family came looking for Him. Second, Jesus is in Capernaum. His family came from Nazareth, thirty miles away, to come and get Him. (Commentary) They traveled a long way to get to Jesus. What was their motive? The Commentary in my Bible said that they, 'came to take charge of Him' and 'The family, thinking he was "out of his mind" probably wanted to get him away from his heavy schedule." I personally did not read that Jesus' mother and brothers thought He was crazy. But after reading several times of how the Pharisees have tried to trap and provoke Jesus in order to have a reason to kill Him, I think word was getting out that Jesus was upsetting the Pharisees and His death could be near. As a mother, I think I would have traveled the thirty miles to hear for myself what Jesus was saying and see if there was any proof to it and bring Jesus home to protect Him. Remember, Jesus is GOD. Jesus IS Emmanuel. Jesus was obedient to the will of the Father. Jesus was not crazy. Jesus was not bearing a heavy work schedule. Jesus knew what He was doing and saying and all of it was in perfect step to the Father's bidding. If Mary and Jesus' half-brothers believed Jesus was the Son of God they wouldn't have come looking for Him. They wouldn't have been worried about Him. They wouldn't have wanted to take Him home. If they believed that Jesus was sent from God, no matter how hard it would have been to see Jesus in trouble with the people or the Pharisees, they would have trusted God's plan for Him, but sadly that was not the case.
48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:48-50) Jesus knew the motive and the heart of why His mother and brothers came to Him. They did not come to sit and listen to Him and watch the most incredible miracles performed with their very own eyes. They did not come to receive His message or WHO He was- God. They came with the agenda to take Him back home, which would have been out of the Father's plan. If they had come with hearts to listen to Jesus. To learn, believe and accept Jesus as the Son of God, I would like the liberty to say that Jesus would have been overjoyed in seeing His own family come to Him. Jesus judges the motivation of the heart. Jesus addresses the heart of the situation straight on- "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?...whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." And we can only assume that He doesn't go out to them, and that His mother and brothers go home for nothing else is stated about this situation.
I remember the first few times I read this passage in Matthew twelve. I remember thinking, "I have no idea what this all means, but I must be Jesus' sister for I desire to be in the Father's will." I remember my heart soaring with excitement that I was Jesus' sister. I was in Jesus' family. I was/am accepted. Much healing has come to my heart from this one verse.
Pray with me:
Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God sent from Heaven to die for my sin and rose again to give eternal life. I believe you are God. Graft me into your family- the family of God. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for calling me your family. I am safe in you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.