Day 5: Jesus is so Gentle
Matthew 3:13-17
Take time to read the four verses from your Bible so you can fully understand today's insight.
"Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" I love this moment when John meets up with Jesus. The last time John and Jesus met, according to Scripture, John lept for joy inside Elizabeth's womb as Jesus was inside Mary's womb. John recognized the Son of God as an unborn baby. Now thirty years later John sees Jesus and knows Him. It's his cousin, but he knows that Jesus is the Messiah, come to save the world. No one on earth knew. No one told him. Jesus hadn't performed any miracles yet. There wasn't a buzz around town that there is some guy healing the sick. Jesus shows up and John knows. I'm in awe with John's relationship with the Father and Holy Spirit. His heart, mind, eyes, and ears were on God. Lord, let me see you. Let me know your presence. My heart wants more of you like John did.
Okay, so John knew Him and yet questioned Him! John knows that standing before him is God made flesh, Son of God, Jesus and yet when asked to be baptized John's like, 'I'm sorry you got the memo wrong. You're God, I'm just the messenger. YOU are suppose to baptize ME.' I can see John leaning in close, and almost whispering it in Jesus' ear, from the side of his mouth. And with this, I see myself. How many times have I believed the Lord said or spoke something to me and yet I look up to heaven and question Him. It comforts me that even the greatest disciple of Jesus questioned Him. But Jesus, wonderful, merciful, kind, amazing, Jesus, doesn't rebuke him. He doesn't say, 'John! I know who I am! Now obey me!' He gently states, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." (Matthew 3: 15) Basically saying, "John I know, but this is actually what God the Father told me to do-so let's just go ahead and do this." John obeys. Jesus is so gentle and to be honest, that comforts my heart. I grew up in a hostile home. Whenever I asked too many questions, the yelling began. I can ask God questions and know that He is gentle.
Last verse of the morning: "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:16-17) If you have ever doubted, ever wondered, if Jesus is truly our Savior, doubt no more. I can see it plainly. For all those that were there in the river, or on the shores watching, they heard, they saw, they knew. God had really come. If they had missed his birth thirty years before, they knew now. What peace. What joy. GOD is here. And we can have that same joy in us today- God is here. HE is alive! HE is our Savior come into the world, to set us free from sin and death. Be at rest. God is on the throne!
Pray with me:
God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for allowing me to be me - to question you, to doubt, to worry and still you love me. Thank you for being so gentle. Jesus, I confess you are the Son of God, my Savior. I give you my life anew. May I know you as John did. Amen.
Matthew 3:13-17
Take time to read the four verses from your Bible so you can fully understand today's insight.
"Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" I love this moment when John meets up with Jesus. The last time John and Jesus met, according to Scripture, John lept for joy inside Elizabeth's womb as Jesus was inside Mary's womb. John recognized the Son of God as an unborn baby. Now thirty years later John sees Jesus and knows Him. It's his cousin, but he knows that Jesus is the Messiah, come to save the world. No one on earth knew. No one told him. Jesus hadn't performed any miracles yet. There wasn't a buzz around town that there is some guy healing the sick. Jesus shows up and John knows. I'm in awe with John's relationship with the Father and Holy Spirit. His heart, mind, eyes, and ears were on God. Lord, let me see you. Let me know your presence. My heart wants more of you like John did.
Okay, so John knew Him and yet questioned Him! John knows that standing before him is God made flesh, Son of God, Jesus and yet when asked to be baptized John's like, 'I'm sorry you got the memo wrong. You're God, I'm just the messenger. YOU are suppose to baptize ME.' I can see John leaning in close, and almost whispering it in Jesus' ear, from the side of his mouth. And with this, I see myself. How many times have I believed the Lord said or spoke something to me and yet I look up to heaven and question Him. It comforts me that even the greatest disciple of Jesus questioned Him. But Jesus, wonderful, merciful, kind, amazing, Jesus, doesn't rebuke him. He doesn't say, 'John! I know who I am! Now obey me!' He gently states, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." (Matthew 3: 15) Basically saying, "John I know, but this is actually what God the Father told me to do-so let's just go ahead and do this." John obeys. Jesus is so gentle and to be honest, that comforts my heart. I grew up in a hostile home. Whenever I asked too many questions, the yelling began. I can ask God questions and know that He is gentle.
Last verse of the morning: "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:16-17) If you have ever doubted, ever wondered, if Jesus is truly our Savior, doubt no more. I can see it plainly. For all those that were there in the river, or on the shores watching, they heard, they saw, they knew. God had really come. If they had missed his birth thirty years before, they knew now. What peace. What joy. GOD is here. And we can have that same joy in us today- God is here. HE is alive! HE is our Savior come into the world, to set us free from sin and death. Be at rest. God is on the throne!
Pray with me:
God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for allowing me to be me - to question you, to doubt, to worry and still you love me. Thank you for being so gentle. Jesus, I confess you are the Son of God, my Savior. I give you my life anew. May I know you as John did. Amen.
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