Day 10: Law of Grace Has COME!
Please read the Scripture for today.
Matthew 5: 1-2
"Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying:" (Matthew 5:1-2) Yesterday we saw in Matthew 4: 25 that people came from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and the Jordan. Word about Jesus was spreading and people were traveling to see Him, meet Him, and be healed by Him. Jesus had healed "EVERY" disease among these people. A crowd had formed- probably a huge crowd, noted from all the places people had traveled from. Jesus pulls away from the town, went up on a mountainside and sat down. It was time to teach. This teaching is called the "Sermon on the Mount" and it covers chapters five through seven in the Book of Matthew. Jesus had much to teach them. He was speaking to the Jewish people who knew the Law of Moses well and He needed to begin to prepare their hearts for what He meant when He said the "Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Jesus coming to earth- God coming to earth, changed everything. He sat them down, and over the next couple of chapters we are going to see how He brings up the Law of Moses and changes it to the Law of Grace. The Law of Grace has come and He is gently preparing them for this huge change in their faith.
Are we ready for the Law of Grace to be written in our hearts? Are we ready to receive God's grace and mercy? Are we ready to give grace and mercy to others? Are we ready to let go of judgment and unforgiveness? Are we ready to live it?
Pray with me:
Jesus, my heart is ready! Open my heart, mind and eyes to your grace. Separate me from the law and pour on me the grace that sets me free! Prepare my heart for your teaching. I love you and want to live a life filled with your grace and a life that extends grace to those around me. Amen.
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