Monday, November 30, 2015

A Biblical Homemade Advent Calendar

25 Days Until Christmas...
my thoughts?
"What do I want my children to be thinking about?"
I'll tell you, Jesus-plain and simple.
I want Christmas to be about Jesus.

So, I set out to find an Advent Calendar that
I could create that would shift our focus from
"the count down to presents"
"the count down to Jesus' birthday."

I found this wooden tree with 25 drawers at A.C. Moores.
It was unfinished...I finished it =)

Each drawer contains the a few verses of the Christmas story
taken straight from the Bible.
I typed every word from the Books of Matthew and Luke
that tell of the story of Mary, Joseph, the angels, Zechariah,
Elizabeth, John,
shepherds, more angels, 
wise men, the star, and Herod.
The whole Christmas story will be read, a little bit every day,
from December 1st to December 25th!
I am soooo excited!

To add to the excitement of this Advent Calendar
I have added a little present to go along with each day's reading.
My plan is that one of my children will read the Scripture for the day
and that same child will open a present.
Yes, the five others will have to sit and listen and watch as
one child opens a present! 

 I won't type out the whole Scripture I am using for each day,
 just the part that touched me and want the children to focus on
Day 1:
 "With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated
 everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, 
most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty
 of the things you have been taught." 

The truth has been investigated and passed down to us.
I know one truth I want my children to know
is that Jesus loves them....
My son will receive a t-shirt that says, "Jesus Loves me"
that he can color in and wear!

Day 2:
"Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing
all the Lord's commands and decrees blamelessly." 
This is referring to Elizabeth and Zechariah.
I want to encourage my daughter, Elizabeth, to have 
the same characteristics.
She loves to paint Scriptures, so I bought her
little Scripture cards to encourage her and give her 
ideas to paint.

Day 3:
"Do not be afraid." 
I bought my son a book mark that says,
"Be strong and courageous..."

Day 4:
Zechariah did not believe the angel-thus he was punished.
I desire for my children to always obey God...
simple little reminder.

Day 5:
"In these days he has shown his favor and taken 
away my disgrace among the people."
Jesus has done this for us!
My other son will receive a t-shirt...

Day 6:
"Greetings, you who are highly favored!
The Lord is with you."
An angel spoke to Mary -
I believe God still sends His angels to bless us.
My daughter will receive and
 angel craft to make for the tree.

Day 7:
The angel told Mary that she will be blessed with a baby-
she could have refused, but she didn't. 
She received what the Lord had for her.
As my daughter has to make decisions in her life I want her
to ask herself..."What Would Jesus Do?" 

Day 8:
Mary said to the angel,
"I am the Lord's servant,"
I bought my daughter an 'apron' to decorate
to think about what it is to be a servant of the Lord.
To do whatever He calls us to do.

Day 9:
This was said about Joseph-
"-and yet did not want to expose her (Mary) to public
disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly."
My husband and I are trying to raise our sons 
to be Men of God- loving, strong, and wise.
I bought my son this key chain-"Man of God."
(He will be getting his driver's license this year!)

Day 10:
"When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord
had commanded him..."
I desire my son to obey the Lord too!
He will receive a "W.W,J.D," bracelet too =)

Day 11:
"...Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit."
My daughter Elizabeth will be opening Day 11 
and receiving a dove ornament to remember 
the Holy Spirit is with her and she will also
get a necklace...okay, it's an owl! but I couldn't find a dove! lol!
But the owl necklace says, "HOO saved you?" 
Just another reminder that God is with her.

Day 12:
Today's reading is "Mary's Song"
It is so beautiful!
She sings the praises of God's goodness.
 I bought a Christian CD for my boy,
so my boy can sing God praises too!
Day 13:
Zechariah obeys God! YAY! 
I bought these angel ornaments because 
each angel has the words - faith, believe and peace on them.

Day 14:
"For the Lord's hand was with him."
This was written about John.
I bought this lamb for my son to remind him
that he is God's lamb and God is with Him.

Day 15:
"Zechariah's Song"
Here we find Zechariah praises God for His many blessings...
This was easy, I bought my daughter a Christian CD 
to help her sing God's praises too!

Day 16:
Zechariah's Song continued...
I bought my daughter jingle bells, beads and ribbon
so all the kids could make a jingle bell necklace
to make music with and sing praises to God!

Day 17:
Jesus is BORN! Hurray! 
I bought my daughter this Nativity craft.

Day 18:
The Shepherds are told by the angels that 
Jesus has been born!
My son will love this craft-so he gets one too!

Day 19:
This is concerning the shepherds:
"When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning
what had been told them about this child, 
and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.."
I bought a ceramic shepherd and three sheep
for my daughter to paint...she's going to love this!

 Day 20:
"The Magi visit the Messiah."
I bought the wise men and a camel for my other 
daughter to paint.

Day 21:
They followed the star...
my little one will receive this star ornament.

Day 22:
"They opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of 
gold, frankincense and myrrh."
My son will receive chocolate 'gold coins." 
(You gotta have chocolate at Christmas =)

Day 23:
God protected Jesus from Herod.
My son will receive the final ceramic statues
of the Nativity scene to paint.
He'll be so happy!

Day 24:
"The Return to Nazareth."
Praise God for all He has done!
He has brought Heaven to Earth through His 
Son Jesus Christ! 
My son will receive this CD to encourage him
to worship the Lord!!

Day 25:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes on Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) 

Merry Christmas everyone!
I pray that you will come to know the true meaning of Christmas this season!
Jesus came to earth, to live among us, and to die for our sins. 
He rose again, conquering death!
He reigns in Heaven and has sent Holy Spirit to be with us! 
Rejoice! Again I say Rejoice!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

A Chicken Birthday Party! (WHAAAT???!!)

Where does one begin?
Well, first: My son loves our four chickens 
and hopes to be a farmer when he grows up.
Second: His birthday is coming and well,
what else would a six year old who loves his chickens
want as his birthday theme???
It seemed simple, it seemed doable,
but there are only 
"Happy 1st Birthday" farm decorations! 
So, I went to Pinterest, like any smart mom would do!
I found some fun ideas.

I hung chickens and balloons all over !

For the children's party I made chicken cupcakes:

For the family party I made a cake:
(My own creation and idea!)

 (I made the chicken coop out of chocolate!)

Now for the games...
What is a party without a pinata???
My son decided that it couldn't be a chicken
so we made an 'egg' pinata.

Pinata Recipe
1 cup flour,
1 cup water,
large punching balloon-(inflate)
newspaper- cut into strips

Combine flour and water together-mix well
Take strips of newspaper and dip in flour paste.
Cover the entire balloon, wait for it to dry and 
cover it again.
I covered the balloon 3x!
My son had some dear friends help make it!
Once completely dry,
cut a small hole at the top of the pinata
to add lots and lots of candy.

and then decorate with streamers.

Another birthday game was
pin the 'beak' on the 'chicken!'

We also had an 'EGG HUNT."
I used the plastic Easter eggs and placed
one puzzle piece in each, hid the eggs,
and the children not only had to find 24 eggs,
but then had to assemble the puzzle before the other team 
completed the puzzle!

We played a bunch of games, but one that I really loved
was when the children had to eat like a chicken!
I put a whole box of Oreo cookies in the food processor-
to make the dirt!
Then on each plate I placed 8 gummy 'worms!' 
I covered each plate and worms with the 'dirt.'
The first child who found and ate all eight worms was the winner!
(We played this game at the family party-there were less children!)

Now for a few of the presents!

A dear friend gave him a 
'bacon and eggs' costume!

 Another loving friend bought him a chicken stuffy
and made a cage for it!

Grandma bought our future farmer boy his own
farming tools and ...
 chicken wash clothes.

Hubby and I found a Playmobil barn...

 and bought chickens, pigs, cows!
His sissy's got him lambs and rabbits!

This is one blessed boy!