Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Granola Bar Recipe that You AND Your Children will Love!

Personally and honestly, I was on a quest for a truly healthy granola bar that wasn't for my six children-and this may surprise you- but it was for ME. Each day I love to sit and be quiet with a hot cuppa couffee AND a treat and be still. The problem in this little daily retreat is that I like to have a sweet treat each day. I needed to have couffee without a treat, but that was not happening! So, I began searching for a healthy granola bar recipe that would slip nicely into my couffee quitet time...I'm happy to announce that I found it!

I found this recipe on a Beach Body site, but have tweaked it a bit.

Granola Bar

-4.5 Cups raw rolled oats
-1 cup flour (I use oat flour OR  1/2 cup whole wheat flour with 1/2 cup coconut flour)
-1 tsp baking soda
-1/2 tsp almond extract (I use 1-2 tsp almond extract)
-2/3 cup butter (real butter)
-1/2 cup honey (I use 3/4 cup because I add so much more--see below).
-1/4 cup brown sugar (I don't always add the sugar-you can't really tell it's missing).

-1/2 cup slivered almonds
-1/4 cup flax seeds
-1/4 cup chia seeds
-1/4 cup coconut flakes
-1/4 cup sunflower seeds
-1/4 cup wheat germ

Mix altogether. Grease 9 x 13 pan. Pour ingredients in pan and firmly press the ingredients together.
Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes-( I bake it for 30 minutes to get it to be golden brown).
Cut into bars.
(Hint: any granola that crumbles gets added to our yogurt! It's a win-win!)

My children love it too-which for me is a win-win-WIN! It is so simple to make that I whip up a batch each Monday morning for the week.

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